Thursday, November 22, 2012

Megadeth: Countdown To Extinction

"Hello Me, Meet the Real me", if you haven't heard this at some point in your life, i'm glad you're here and you HAVE to read this. So I figured it was time to do a Megadeth album review, (and I promise to try and stay un-baised but it will be extremely difficult) so I figured why not review an albums that's celebrating it's 20th Anniversary this year? That's right, 1992 marked the release of Megadeth's most successful and critically acclaimed albums ever recorded, spawning multiple Metal classics. The band is also playing the album in it's entirety on their 20th anniversary tour, which I was lucky enough to see, and it almost brought tears to my eyes. So let's dig in!

The album starts of with Nick Menza ripping away at the drums and one of the most satisfying riffs on the album, so much awesome in so little time in the first 20 seconds of "Skin O' My Teeth". The song is a staple in the Mega-setlist for a reason, catchy chorus and a vicious solo. Then we get "Symphony of Destruction", arguably one of Megadeth's greatest songs, and known by virtually every person on the planet who isn't a 14 year old girl. Haunting Symphonic intro. Check. Badass yet simple riff. Check. Gritty Mustaine vocals. Check. Most easily recognized metal chorus in the history of history? Check. This song will have you "Just like the Pied Piper" Pipering all the way home. Up next is one of my favorites of the Mega-Catalog, and vastly underrated "Architecture of Aggression". The intro of bullets shooting rivals that of Metallica's one, but this song gets right to the heavy with yet another terrifying riff and Mustaine's vocals spreading a deadly mist into your ears, producing a great song. I should also add, even if you don't agree with what Mustaine sings about in these songs, or don't really like the music, the lyrics on this album are damn near genius if not perfect. Reading some of these I think "how the hell" or "this is genius" and sync them up with a badass riff and you have a Megadeth song. "Foreclosure of a Dream", lyrics written by Bassist David Ellefson due to his parents being effected by the government's stupidity under George Bush Sr., this song is a trademark Mega-tune. "Sweating Bullets" is also on the level of Symphony of Destruction, one of the most Iconic songs in Metal and brilliant lyrics along with Mustaine's fierce (and to some ugly) voice ringing in your ears as he goes insane into the mic. The title track "Countdown to Extinction" is a vastly underrated Metal achievement, winning the Humane Society's Genesis Award, and is a grizzly tale to listen to. Skip to track 10, and you hit Captive Honour. This will take a few listens to sink into and really start to love, but when you start really hearing it "When you kill a man, you're a murderer, kill many, and you're a conqueror, kill them all.... you're a god!" You realize how much of a masterpiece it is and will be in your playlists for many days to come. The album comes to a close with "Ashes In Your Mouth", arguably the heaviest track on the album and ends with an intense drum solo from Menza, a great ending to a superb album. 


Megadeth's treck into the world of Mainstream music was extremely successful with "Countdown To Extinction", and to this day stands as one of the best Metal albums ever put on a record. If "Symphony of Destruction" doesn't pull you in and make you love it then "Sweating Bullets" sure is, and somehow if you're brain doesn't connect with these masterpieces then i'm sure you'll find comfort in the other 9 tracks, as they are excellent addition to the Megadeth catalog. 


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